- Course Name: C++ Programming –
Course Objective :
- To learn the fundamentals of C++ programming concepts & OOP.
- To learn various C++ techniques to implement Object Oriented Programming.
- To learn pointers, Polymorphism and Templates through C++
- Course Name: Python Programming –
Course Objective :
1. Basics of Python programming including data types,operators,conditional statements and input output functions in Python
2. List,Tuples,Set,Dictionary,String ,Array and Functions
3 Object Oriented Programming using Python
4.GUI and Data visualization using Matplotlib and Pandas
- Course Name: NI Lab View –
Course Objective:
The course is aimed:
To study graphical programming language for creating simulation and custom applications that interact with real-world data or signals in fields of science and engineering.
- C++ Programming
Course Duration : 2 Months (32hrs)
Course Fees : 2,500/-
Certification : Certified by VES Institute of Technology
- Python Programming
Course Duration: 2 Months (32hrs)
Course Fees: 2,500/-
Certification : Certified by VES Institute of Technology
- NI Lab View
Course Fees: 2,500/-
Certification : Certified by VES Institute of Technology
C++ Programming – Course Syllabus
Modules :
- Programing Fundamentals algorithm and Flow Chart
C++ Language Fundamentals:
Data types, Operators, Preprocessor directives, Declarations, Input & Output, control structures, structures, functions and arrays
Functions: Concept of function in C++, function prototypes in C++, function with parameters, Returning values From Functions. Reference Arguments, Overloaded Function, Default Arguments. Returning By Reference.
Structures in C++, Array of objects in structures.
Object oriented programming, Object And Classes: -Characteristics of object oriented programming, Making sense of core object concepts. (Encapsulation Abstraction, Polymorphism, Classes, Massages Association, Inheritance) Implementation of Class in C++, C++ Objects As Physical Object, C++ Object As Data Types, Public Private and Protected types. Constructor, Object As Function Arguments. The Default constructor, Copy Constructor, Returning Object From Function. Structures And Classes. Inline functions, static, virtual and friend function. Classes Objects And Memory Static Class Data. Const Data. Const And Classes.
2. Arrays and String: Arrays Fundamentals. Arrays as Class Member Data. Arrays Of Object. String. The Standard C++ String Class.
Operator Overloading: Overloading Unary Operators. Overloading. Binary Operators. Data Conversion. Pitfalls of Operators Overloading And Conversion Keywords Explicit And Mutable.
Inheritance: Concept of Inheritance, Derived Class And Base Class, Derived Class Constructors, Overriding Member Function, Class Hierarchies, Public And Private Inheritance, Levels Of Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Ambiguity In Multiple Inheritance, Aggregation: Classes Within Classes, Inheritance And program Development
3. Pointer. Addresses And pointer, The Address-Of Operator “&”, Pointer And Arrays, Pointer And Function, Pointer And C- Types String, Memory Management: New And Delete operator, Pointers to Objects, Debugging pointers.
Virtual Function and Polymorphism Virtual Function, Assignment And Copy Initialization, this Pointer, Dynamic Type Information
Templates And Exceptions Function Templates, Class Templates Exceptions, File Handling in C++
System Requirements :
Any system with minimum 2GB RAM & must support C++ compiler. If the system is not available / supportive in such a case, can use an Online c++ compiler.
Hands On Lab work
To write basic programs in C++
- Mathematical Operations
- String Operations
- Loops decisions and statement Types.
- Array Operations
- Matrix Operations
Functions in C ++
- Simple Functions in C++
- Function call by value call by reference
- Function Overloading
- Simple Application Using Functions
Structures in C++
- My First Structure in C++
- Array of Structure Objects
- Structure within the Structure
Classes and Objects in C++
- Simple Class in C++
- Public Private and protected Classes
- Polymorphism in C++
- Operator Overloading in C++
- Various inheritance in C++
Program Using Constructor and Destructor
- Default Constructor
- Copy Constructor
- Destructor
- Program Using Pointers
- File Handling in C++
Reference Material :
- Object Oriented Programming in-C++ By Robert Lafore Techmedia Publication
- Object Oriented Programming with C++ E Balgurusammy 4ed Tata Mcgrawhill Publication
- The Complete Reference C ++ – By Herbert Sehlidt Tata Megraw-hill publication
- Object Oriented Programming and C++ R. Rajaram New Age International Publishers 2nd
Python Programming – Course Syllabus
Modules :
- Basics of Python
Introduction, Features, Python building blocks – Identifiers, Keywords, Indention, Variables and Comments, Basic data types (Numeric, Boolean, Compound) Operators: Arithmetic, comparison, relational, assignment, logical, bitwise, membership, identity operators, operator precedence Control flow statements: Conditional statements (if, if…else, nested if) Looping in Python (while loop, for loop, nested loops) Loop manipulation using continue, pass, break. Input/output Functions. a) Built -in functions in python b) Defining function, calling function, returning values, passing parameters c) Nested and Recursive functions d) Anonymous Functions (Lambda, Map, Reduce, Filter) Advanced data types and Overview of Object -oriented programming
Lists: a) Defining lists, accessing values in list, deleting values in list, updating lists b) Basic list operations c) Built-in list functions Tuples: a) Accessing values in Tuples, deleting values in Tuples, and updating Tuples b) Basic Tuple operations c) Built-in Tuple functions Dictionaries: a) Accessing values in Dictionary, deleting values in Dictionary, and updating Dictionary b) Basic Dictionary operations c) Built-in Dictionary functions Sets: a) Accessing values in Set, deleting values in Set, updating Sets b) Basic Set operations, c) Built-in Set functions Strings: a) String initialization, Indexing, Slicing, Concatenation, Membership & Immutability b) Built-in String functions Arrays: a) Working with Single dimensional Arrays: Creating, importing, Indexing, Slicing, copying and processing array arrays. b) Working with Multi-dimensional Arrays using Numpy: Mathematical operations, Matrix operations, aggregate and other Built-in functions
Overview of Object -oriented programming, Creating Classes and Objects, Self-Variable, Constructors, Inner class, Static method, Namespaces. Inheritance: Types of Inheritance (Single, Multiple, Multi -level, Hierarchical), Super() method, Constructors in inheritance, operator overloading, Method overloading, Method overriding.
GUI and Data visualization
Graphical User interface,Visualization using Matplotlib: Matplotlib with Numpy, working with plots (line plot, bar graph, histogram, scatter plot, area plot, pie chart etc.), working with multiple figures.
Introduction to Pandas, importing data into Python, series, data frames, indexing data frames, basic operations with data frames.
System Requirements :
- Operating system: Linux- Ubuntu 16.04 to 17.10, or Windows 7 to 10, with 2GB RAM (4GB preferable)
- Install Python 3.6: 1. To follow the installation procedure, you need to be connected to the Internet. Visit
- Notepad ++
Python IDEs like IDLE, Pycharm, Pydev, Netbeans or Eclipse
Reference Material :
- Dr. R. Nageswara Rao,” Core Python Programming” , Dreamtech Press, Wiley Publication
- M. T. Savaliya , R. K. Maurya, “Programming through Python”, StarEdu Solutions.
- E Balagurusamy, “Introduction to computing and problem-solving using python”, McGraw Hill
- Zed A. Shaw, “Learn Python 3 the Hard Way”, Zed Shaw’s Hard Way Series.
- Martin C. Brown,” Python: The Complete Reference”, McGraw-Hill Publication.
- Paul Barry,” Head First Python”, 2nd Edition, O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Online resources:
NI Lab View – Course Syllabus
Modules :
- Navigating LabVIEW, Troubleshooting & Debugging
- Implementing a VI
- Relating Data
- Modular Application
- Managing Resources
- Error Handling
- File I/O VIs
- Creating & Distribution Application
System Requirements :
PC/Laptop with NI LabVIEW installed
Reference Material :
- Jovitha Jerome, ―Virtual Instrumentation‖, PHI, 2018.
- Robert Bishop, ―Learning with LabVIEW TM 7 express‖, Pearson Education, 2005.
- Gupta S, ―Virtual Instrumentation Using LabVIEW‖, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited.
- Labview for everyone, – Lisa K. Wells & Jettrey Travis Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997.
- LabVIEW users manual.
Digital & Technology C++
Dr Prashant Vilas Kanade Designation: Assistant | Sunny Nahar Designation: Assistant | Anil Bharat Ahir Designation : Assistant |
NI Labview
Ms. Kanchan Chavan Designation: Associate Professor Name of Institute: V. E. S. Institute of Technology, Chembur Qualification: M. Tech, Pursuing Ph. D
| Dr. Nilima Warke Designation: Associate Professor Name of Institute: V. E. S. Institute of Technology, Chembur Qualification: Ph. D (Electronics Engineering) | Mr. Shaikh Kader B T Designation: Assistant Professor Name of Institute: V. E. S. Institute of Technology Qualification: B.Tech (Instrumentation Engineering), ME (Instrumentation and Control) |
Dr. Sangeetha Prasanna Ram Designatio: HoD & Associate Professor Name of Institute: V. E. S. Institute of Technology Qualification: Ph. D (Electronics Engineering) |
Mrs. Vidya Sunil Pujari Designation: Assistant Professor Name of Institute: Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology Qualification: B.Tech (Information Technology), ME (Computer Engineering | Mrs. Abha Tewari Designation- Assistant Professor Name of Institute- V. E. S. Institute of Technology Qualification- M.E.I.T. | Mrs. Mannat Amit Doultani Designation: Assistant Professor Name of Institute:: Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology Qualification: M.E. I.T. |