Website Design (HTML + CSS)
Course Objective : Introduction to PHP. Evaluation of Php, Basic Syntax, Defining variable and constant, Php Data type, Operator and Expression.
To get familiar with the basics of the web and to acquire knowledge and skills for creation of static web sites using HTML tags and CSS.
System Requirements :
Any system with minimum 2GB RAM
Course Duration : 2 Months (32hrs)
Course Fees : 2,500/-
Course Credits : 2
Certification : Certified by VES Digital Academy powered by VES Institute of Technology
Course Objective :
Course Duration : 2 Months (32hrs)
Course Fees : 2,500/-
Course Objective :
1. Basics of Python programming including data types,operators,conditional statements and input output functions in Python
2. List,Tuples,Set,Dictionary,String ,Array and Functions
3 Object Oriented Programming using Python
4.GUI and Data visualization using Matplotlib and Pandas
Course Duration: 2 Months (32hrs)
Course Fees: 2,500/-
Course Credits : 2
Certification : Certified by VES DIGITAL ACADEMY Powered by VES Institute of Technology
Course Objective : The course is aimed:
To study graphical programming language for creating simulation and custom
applications that interact with real-world data or signals in fields of science and engineering.
Course Fees: 2,500/-
Course Credits : 2
Certification : Certified by VES DIGITAL ACADEMY Powered by VES Institute of Technology
Photoshop –
-Getting Started with Photoshop
-Image Editing and Retouching
-Introduction to Graphics in Photoshop
-Working with Selections and Masks
-Enhancing Visualizations
-Creating Rendered Effects
-Introduction to Montage in Photoshop
-Creating Collages
-Typography and Graphic Design
-Finalizing and Exporting Graphics
-Exporting Graphics and Introduction to Advanced photoshop applications and tools
Course Duration : 3 Days
Course Credits : 2
Certification : Certified by VES Digital Academy powered by VES College of Architecture
Advance Excel –
-Excel Sort and Filter
-Functions in Excel
-Conditional formatting
-Pivot Tables and Charts to create a PivotTable report to quickly analyze volumes of data, generate summary views, see comparisons and reveal patterns in your data – Advanced charting &graphing functions
Course Duration : 1 Month
Course Fees : Rs. 1,000/-
Course Credits : 2
Certification : Certified by VES Digital Academy powered by VES College of Management
Course Objective :
Course Duration : 1 Months
Course Fees : 2,000/-
Certification: Certified by VES Digital Academy powered by VES College of Pharmacy
Course Objective:
Course Duration : 1 Months
Course Fees : 2,000/-
Certification: Certified by VES Digital Academy powered by VES College of Pharmacy
Course Objective:
This course aims to enable the students:
Course Duration : 1 Months
Course Fees : 1,000/-
Course Objectives:
Course Duration : 1 Months
Intellectual Property Rights
Course Objective:
Course Duration: 2 months (32hrs)
Course Fees : 4000 + GST
Course Credits : 2
Certification : Certified by VES Digital Academy powdered by VES College of Law