• 1. Infrastructure:-

          A) Library / Books Facility:-

          B) Washrooms ( Girls+ boys) 

       2. Safety and Security:- Complete CCTV surveillance, attentive female house-keeping staff, trained security guards, periodic safety audit and safety drills are a regular feature at VEPS to maximize safety within our premises

        3. Digital Boards:- In today’s competitive world, children need the skill sets, which are beyond subject knowledge and require concentration, assimilation and retention. In this regard the role of smart classes is quite important. It provides foundation for a healthy atmosphere. It allows teachers to show educational content and interact with the students. 

       4. Assembly Hall:-  We have one Assembly hall. Primary school’s morning assembly is conducted in this hall. It can accommodate about 400-500 students. It has a wide stage. 

It is also used for conducting the extra-curricular activities such as drawing, singing, dance, recitation and other activities of school. 

      5. Computer Lab:- In the electronic age of computers and fast progressing technology, we at VEPS aim at training and preparing the students for future challenges. The well equipped air-conditioned room with about 30 Desktop’s, offers vibrant and interesting global educational exposure to the learners through multimedia and online internet services. Our students are instructed on the basics of computer use as early as class I. Educational software is presented in a game like format to entertain the younger students while they learn key concepts and advance technologies. 

 Music Room

 Play ground:-

There is one playground in the school premises.  The physical Education teachers use these for conducting different games, mass PT, marching practice, band practice etc.  The children get a chance to play in the open air in their PT and games periods.  Swings and slides are also provided for children’s enjoyment. Pre-Primary section play ground has Merry-go-round and slides.  Generally when the weather is good children are taken to the play ground where they play and enjoy.

Drinking water facilities: (Filtered) Trained Assistant and Helper with 4 Maid Servant, one on each floor.