
Research always has an underflow of collaborations, it cannot exist in isolation. The research base of this institute also depends on collaborations with neighbouring institutes, companies and organizations.

  • We have informal collaboration with VES College of pharmacy, Lupin Laboratories and Materials research groups of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, IIT Bombay for using research facilities including Instruments for analysis.
  • Collaborative Undergraduate Biology Education (CUBE) in collaboration with HBCSE promotes undergraduate research. Students of BT and Microbiology department are a part of this nationwide network. In fact, it has tremendously influenced the scientific research temperament of students, and our alumni have now joined HBCSE to manage this project from its epicentre.
  • Along with CUBE, another lab of HBCSE, working on Cognitive Behaviour has collaborated with the microbiology and biotechnology department for a project on History of Science. The on-going project involves both staff and students of the two departments.
  • The Department of BT has recently established an informal collaboration with Himedia Laboratories. The company is now helping in the set-up of an Animal Tissue Culture Lab under the STAR College scheme.
  • Computer Science Department has collaborated with companies such as Seed Infotech, CSI, Profound Edutech, Squad Infotechetc and HBCSE which help students learn new technologies by conducting workshops along with that the students have done the internships in HomiBhabha Science Centre.
  • Department of IT has established informal external linkages with the companies such as Seed InfotechPvt. Ltd., NIIT, CMC, APTECH, ERUDITE and Endeavor etc. to conduct various seminars and workshops to bridge the gap between the syllabus and industry-expectations.
  • Physics department every year sends students to BARC, HBCSE for project work.
  • Chemistry department in collaboration with ICS conducts Aptitude test every year. Students are sent for internship to RCF, BARC, ATI etc.

Collaboration  with research organizations such as Indian Women Scientist Association (IWSA), Marathi VidnyanParishad (MVP)BARC, MVP, HBCSE, and Indian Chemical Society (ICS), FFE to conduct various research related activities.

  • Research Scholar Meet- 2013 was conducted by the Chemistry department in collaboration with the ICS and was sponsored by Reliance Industries and BRNS (Board of Research in Nuclear Science).
  • A National conference on “Evolving as a Smart College” was organized in association withVijnanaBharati, was sponsored by BPCL and RCF.