
Developing institute-industry interface is a thrust area and could be mutually beneficial in several ways. The strategies adopted for the same are
- Establishment of the CIF, will enhance our capability for undertaking research in diverse areas and will give us opportunity for extending consultancy/ service to clients.
- Focusing on applied research.
- Recruitment of staff with a specialized expertise is also an avenue to build upon a valued resource of specialist in the institution.
- Formal tie up in the form of MOUs.
- Alumni involvement in conduct of activities.
- Sending students for internships, inviting experts from industry, industrial visits are some of the other strategies adopted.
- Dr.DevidasGulwade having expertise in XRD/Rietveld analysis has extended consultancy services to Glenmark Generics Ltd. in June 2010. Further, he is consulted by Glenmark at different points in time regarding various aspects of XRD analysis in their work.
- Dr. Santosh Bhaskaran has developed a space biology research instrument viz. Clinostat for School of life science, SRTMU Nanded University free of cost.
- Professor ShwetaPatil carried out “Study of Water Quality Parameters of Tera Village lake”, Kutch, Gujarat for a faculty from Dept of EVS, K.J. Somaiya College, Mumbai.Rs. 3000/- was earned through this project by the department.