College Publications

Vivek is the official College Magazine published annually. The college magazine has been published since the academic year 1980-81.
- To foster and sustain the literary and creative talents of the students.
- To highlight the significant achievements and accomplishments of our students and staff.
- To make the students more articulate and expressive by toning up the language and by refining and deepening the thoughts contained in the articles published by the students.
- To encourage students to do some elementary research in their areas of Interest and to publish their findings in the form of an article.
- To record all the important activities both academic and extra-curricular that have performed during the course of the academic year.
- Editorial
- Principal’s message
- Outstanding achievements
- Academic toppers
- Best Student Award
- Prizes won at inter-collegiate events
- College committees
- Alumni corner
- College activities
- Inter-collegiate events
- Department reports
- Literary sections: English, Hindi and Marathi
In short the college magazine, VIVEK, showcases the important activities, achievements, literary and creative efforts of the students of the College.
“The magazine is published by the Principal Dr. Anita Kanwar, on behalf of V.E.S. College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Chembur, MUMBAI – 400 071”
The in-house annual publication is a student’s effort, which comprises of socially relevant & investigative articles, editorials, pictorial, interviews, theme-based articles etc.
BMM students of V.E.S. take pride in the fact that they were the first to start an annual theme-based magazine for the college, called ‘Goonj’. Goonj has been successfully published every year since 2002. The striking feature is that all aspects of the magazine like writing, editing, designing, layouts, advertising, marketing, printing etc are carried out by the students themselves.
Goonj includes articles on the city happenings that are unique to the magazine. It also includes cartoon strips, fun facts and sports news for light-hearted reading. The students try their best to include material that interests everybody. It is circulated among students and faculties of different departments, and guest who attend various departmental events.
THAT’S IT, an annual news letter, published by the B.Sc IT department of our college.