Self Financing Programs (Autonomous)

Total Number of Seats | 120 |
Seats Reserved | 45 % for Commerce 25% for Arts 25 % for Science &5% others |
Eligibility :
- Secured Minimum 45% marks at the H.S.C. Examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary
&Higher Secondary Education Pune, or its equivalent for the General Category (at First attempt)and
Minimum 40% marks for the reserved category (at First attempt). - Students passing Diploma in Administration Services (Commercial and Secretarial Practices) conducted
by PremilaVithaldasPolytechnic , S.N.D.T. Women’s University are eligible for admission toF.Y.B.M.S. - A candidate for being eligible for admission to the B.M.S. degree course shall have passed Xllth Std.
Examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination or
Diploma in any engineering branches with two years or three years or four years duration after S.S.C.
conducted by the Board of Technical Education, Maharashtra State or equivalent examination.
Admission Procedure: On the basis of aggregate marks at H.S.C.
Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S.) :
The B.M.S. course shall be a full time course. The duration of the course shall be six semesters spread over three years.
The choice of subjects will depend upon merit and the availability of requisite student numbers
Total number of lectures per theory paper shall be a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 55, each of 50 minutes’ duration.
The BMS course
- Integrates industry interaction in the form of guest lectures, summer internships and live projects in subjects like entrepreneurship.
- Presentation, workshops& role plays are an integral part of the curriculum delivery process.
- Intercollegiate festival CONFLUENCE provides a platform for students to showcase their managerial capabilities. The event attracts big sponsors and students from nearly 30 colleges from all over Mumbai.
- The department’s KNOWLEDLE CLUB provides a platform for avid quizzers, debaters and othersto showcase their capabilities.
- Students participate in intra-collegiate and inter-collegiate events throughout the year winning laurels for the college.
- Students with special needs are provided with required support system to enable them to integrate with the normal curriculum delivery process.
- Continuous counseling and mentoring of the students happen for both academic and non-academic problems faced by students.
- The department arranges industrial visit for the students based on the educational need.
- The department holds an annual case study based film making competition called Biz Dramatiz.
- The students undergo training through value added course which are conducted at the end of each semester. The courses conducted are as listed below | Value added courses | Time period |
1. | FYBMS SEM-1 | 10 day certificate course in business etiquette At the end of semester 1 |
2. | FYBMS SEM – II | World economic indicators/advanced corporate etiquette At the end of semester 2 |
3. | SYBMS SEM – III | Digital Marketing/selling skills At the end of semester 3 |
4. | SYBMS SEM – IV | Commercial banking & credit research At the end of semester 4 |
Total Number of Seats | 60 |
Seats Reserved | 50% for Arts; 25% for Commerce; 25% for Science |
A) Candidate for being eligible for admission to the Degree Course in Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia & Mass Communication shall have passed the XII std. Examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher secondary Education or its equivalent, from the Science, Arts or Commerce Stream.
B) X or Second School Certificate (S.S.C) or Equivalent Examination Passed
Three Years Full Time Government Recognized Diploma Passed
Students coming from other than Maharashtra Board & Maharashtra Technical Board are required to apply for a provisional Eligibility Certificate at college by submitting eligibility form along with requisite fees.
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass Communication (BAMMC)
The BAMMC course is a full-time course. The duration of the course shall be six semesters spread over three years.
Total Number of Seats
FY(60) + SY(60) + TY(60)
- Students passing S. Y. J. C. (Std. XII) with Science and Mathematics as one subject.
- Students from other State (eligibility) are required to have ENGLISH as a compulsory paper at H.S.C. level.
Documents Required for Admission :
Students should bring the following documents in original along with duly attested photocopies for verification at the time of admission: –
- Original Mark sheet of H.S.C., two photo copy copies of Mark sheet and one photo copy copy of Leaving
Certificate (LC) for F.Y. admission. - Original Mark sheet of First Year along with one photo copy copy for S.Y. admission.
- Original Mark sheet of First Year & Second Year along with one photo copy copy each for T.Y. admission
- For new admission at S.Y. / T.Y.— NOC with enrolment details to be produced from the previous college.
- One recent Passport size photograph taken with light coloured dress for all classes.
- Address Proof (photo copy copy of Ration Card/ Electricity Bill/ Telephone Bill/Pass port/ Driving License) any one
- FY & SY students are hereby informed to surrender old Identity Card at the time of admission
- Original Mark sheet of H.S.C., two photo copy copies of Mark sheet and one photo copy copy of Leaving
NOTE: In case the original mark sheet of H.S.C. has been submitted for admission to any college, a certificate to that effect, signed by the Principal of that College must be produced.
The Principal shall not sign the Hall Tickets of T.Y. students unless the students pass the Prelims Examination. Failures will have to appear for the Re-Prelim Examination and clear the same. Hall Tickets of such students will be signed by the Principal on clearance of the Re-Exam.
Students coming from Universities/Board other than Maharashtra State:- Students coming from outside, i.e. other than Maharashtra State Board, will be admitted to the college on the basis of provisional eligibility certificate which they must obtain from the University of Mumbai. No such student will be admitted to College without provisional certificate. In case the admission of the student is found to be invalid for any reason, the responsibility will lie with the student. Students will account for the gap if any, between H.S.C. and joining F. Y. Class by submitting gap certificate i.e. N.O.C. & T.C. from previous Institute.
Admission under Minority Quota (Sindhi):
A Student seeking admission at F.Y. level under Minority Category is required to produce documentary proof (Affidavit) certifying their Sindhi Status. It is desirable that they complete the Sindhi Certificate Course.
International Students: Foreign students seeking admission are required to submit the following documents
a) photo copy copy of Passport
b) Copy of Transcript
From academic year 2016-17, the Computer Science Course became independent from the traditional pattern as per this circular.
The syllabus and papers are as follows –
Total Number of Seats | 60 |
Documents Required for Admission:-
Students should bring the following documents in original along with duly attested photocopies for verification at the time of admission:-
- Original Mark sheet of H.S.C., two photo copies of H.S.C Mark sheet and one photo copy of S.S.C Mark sheet and one photo copy of Leaving Certificate (LC) for F.Y. admission.
- Original Mark sheet of Sem. I & II along with one photocopy for S.Y. admission.
- For new admission at S.Y. / T.Y. NOC with enrolment details to be produced from the previous college.
- One recentPassport size photography taken with light coloured dress for all classes.
- One recent Passport size photograph of Parent / Guardian.
- Address Proof (photo copy of Ration Card/ Electricity Bill/ Telephone Bill/Pass port/ Driving License) any one.
- Caste Certificates (if applicable)
- Caste Validity Certificate
- Documentary evidence regarding special category status
- Eligibility Certificate (issued by University) for students coming from other than Maharashtra Board and Maharashtra Technical Board). Eligibility forms will be distributed by college and same will be resubmitted to the college along with necessary documents and eligibility fees (Rs. 220/-, Rs.320/- and Rs.750/- as the case may be). Admission will be provisional till University approves the documents.
- Physically Challenged candidates should produce the relevant certificate from competent authority. NOTE:In case the original mark sheet of Graduation Examination (Commerce Stream) has been submitted for admission to any college, a certificate to that effect, signed by the Principal of that College must be produced.
Students coming from Universities/Board other than Maharashtra State:- Students coming from outside, i.e. other than Maharashtra State Board, will be admitted to the college on the basis of provisional eligibility certificate which they must obtain from the University of Mumbai. No such student will be admitted to College without provisional certificate. In case the admission of the student is found to be invalid for any reason, the responsibility will lie with the student. Students will account for the gap if any, between H.S.C. and joining F. Y. Class by submitting gap certificate i.e. N.O.C. & T.C. from previous Institute.
Admission under Minority Quota (Sindhi):
A Student seeking admission at F.Y. level under Minority Category is required to produce documentary proof (Affidavit) certifying their Sindhi Status. It is desirable that they complete the Sindhi Certificate Course.
International Students: Foreign students seeking admission are required to submit the following documents
- Photocopy of Passport
- Copy of Transcript
Eligibility 5051 : A candidate for being eligible for admission to the degree course in Bachelor of
Science – Information Technology, shall have passed XII Std. Examination of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent with Mathematics as one of the subject and should have secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in aggregate in case of reserved category candidates.
Candidates who have passed Diploma in Computer Engineering / Computer Science / Computer Technology / Information Technology / Electrical, Electronics & Video Engineering and Allied Branches/ Mechanical and Allied branches, Civil and Allied branches of Engineering after S.S.C. (Xth standard) are eligible for direct admission to the Second Year of the B.Sc. (I.T.) degree course. However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education or any other recognized Government body. Minimum marks required 45% aggregate for open category candidates and 40% aggregate for reserved category candidates.
Students with post HSC – Diploma in Computer Engineering / Computer Science / Computer Technology/Information Technology and Allied Branches will be eligible for direct admission to the Second Year of B.Sc. (I.T.) However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education or any other recognized Government body.
Admission Procedure : On the basis of aggregate of :-
- Marks in Mathematics & Statistics at H.S.C. or equivalent
- Aggregate marks of H.S.C. or equivalent
- Aggregate marks at S.S.C.
In case the original mark sheet of H.S.C. has been submitted for admission to any college, a certificate to that effect, signed by the Principal of the College must be produced.
Syllabus for B.Sc. (IT)
The scheme of the modules shall be as follows :
Semester I | Semester II |
Semester III | Semester IV |
Semester V | Semester VI |
Elective I:
Elective II:
(Subject names in Bold are offered in our college) |
Elective I:
Elective II:
(Subject names in Bold are offered in our college) |
The choice of subjects will depend upon merit and the availability of requisite student members.
Scheme of Examination
- Theory paper Max Marks = External (75 Marks) & Internal (25 Marks)
- Semester six has a project work of 200 marks. The assessment of the project work is as under :
- Black Book / Hardcopy of Project 100 Marks
- Viva-Voce & Presentation 100 Marks
R 4411 – Passing Standards
- A student is said to have passed if he / she secures 40% of marks allotted in each head of passing. Theory of 100 marks and (TW / Practical / Tutorial of 50 marks) are treated as separate heads of passing.
- A student is said to have passed a Semester if he / she passes in all heads of passing of the semester.
- A student is eligible to be admitted to Semester II irrespective of Number of heads of failure in the First Semester.
- A student is eligible for admission to Semester III if either the student passes Semester I & IIOR
The student fails in a combination of Theory and/or Practical taken in Semester I or Semester II or together where the total marks does not exceed 200.
- A student is eligible for admission to Semester IV irrespective of Number of heads of failure in Semester III. However, the student has to clear Semester I and II, in order to appear for Semester IV examination.
- A student is eligible for admission to Semester V if either the student passes Semester III and IVOR
The student fails in a combination of Theory and/or Practical taken in Semester III or Semester IV or together, where the total marks does not exceed 200.
- A student is eligible for admission to Semester VI irrespective of Number of heads of failure in Semester V. The results of VI should be kept in abeyance until the student clears Semesters III, IV and V in full.
- Grade is awarded year wise for First year & Second year. However in the final year a consolidated grade sheet will be awarded.
The Students of T.Y. are required to have 75% attendance in each paper at the end of Semester V & Semester VI.
The Principal shall not sign the Hall Tickets of T.Y. students unless the students pass the Prelims Examination. Failures will have to appear for the Re-Prelim Examination and clear the same. Hall Tickets of such students will be signed by the Principal on clearance of the Re-Exam.
Cancellation of Admission for B.Sc. (IT):
Students canceling their admission will be entitled to receive the refund of Semester fee paid after deduction of the amount as indicated below: B. Sc. (IT)

Total Number of Seats – 35
Students passing S. Y. J. C. (Std. XII) with Science are required to have ENGLISH and MATHS as a compulsory paper at H.S.C. level.
Documents Required for Admission:
Students should bring the following documents in original along with duly attested photocopies for verification at the time of admission: –
- Original Mark sheet of H.S.C., two photo copy copies of Mark sheet and one photo copy of Leaving Certificate (LC) for admission.
- Original Mark sheet of First Year along with one photo copy for S.Y. admission
- Original Mark sheet of First Year & Second Year along with one photo copy each for T.Y. admission
- One recent Passport size photograph taken with light colored dressfor all classes.
- Address Proof (photo copy of Ration Card/ Electricity Bill/ Telephone Bill/Passport/ Driving License) any one
- Caste Certificates (if applicable)
- Documentary evidence regarding special category status
- Eligibility Certificate (students coming from other than Maharashtra Board and Maharashtra Technical Board). Eligibility forms will be distributed by the colleges and same will be resubmitted to the college along with necessary documents and eligibility fees (Rs.220/-, Rs.320/- and Rs.750/- as the case may be). Admission will be provisional till University approves the documents.
- Physically challenged candidates should produce the relevant certificate from competent authority.
In case the original mark sheet of H.S.C. has been submitted for admission to any college, a certificate to that effect, signed by the Principal of that College must be produced.
The Principal shall not sign the Hall Tickets of T.Y. students unless the students pass the Prelims Examination. Failures will have to appear for the Re-Prelim Examination and clear the same. Hall Tickets of such students will be signed by the Principal on clearance of the Re-Exam.
Students coming from Universities/Board other than Maharashtra State:- Students coming from outside, i.e. other than Maharashtra State Board, will be admitted to the college on the basis of provisional eligibility certificate which they must obtain from the University of Mumbai. No such student will be admitted to College without provisional certificate. In case the admission of the student is found to be invalid for any reason, the responsibility will lie with the student. Students will account for the gap if any, between H.S.C. and joining F. Y. Class by submitting gap certificate i.e. N.O.C. & T.C. from previous Institute.
Admission under Minority Quota (Sindhi):
A Student seeking admission at F.Y. level under Minority Category is required to produce documentary proof (Affidavit) certifying their Sindhi Status. It is desirable that they complete the Sindhi Certificate Course.
International Students: Foreign students seeking admission are required to submit the following documents
- a) Photo copy of Passport
- b) Copy of Transcript
At the F.Y.B.Sc.level students have to offer 7 papers having a total of 700 marks & Practical’s 300 Marks. The Subject of Biotechnology was integrated with other Science subjects that is Microbiology and Chemistry. But , from the academic year 2016-17, Biotechnology is a stand –alone course as the course content is now taught to the students from the point of view of preparing a work force capable of being absorbed into the Biotechnology industry.
Basic Chemistry-I
Basic Chemistry-II
Basic Life Sciences-I : Biodiversity and Cell Biology
Basic Life Sciences-II : Microbial Techniques
Basic Biotechnology-I : Introduction to Biotechnology
Basic Biotechnology-II : Molecular Biology
Societal Awareness
Basic Chemistry practical
Basic Life Science practical
Basic Biotechnology practical
Chemistry-I : Bioorganic Chemistry
Chemistry-II : Physical Chemistry
Life Sciences-I : Physiology and Ecology
Life Sciences-II : Genetics
Biotechnology-I : Tissue Culture & Scientific Writing and Communication Skills
Biotechnology-II : Enzymology, Immunology and Biostatistics
Globalization, Ecology and Sustainable Development
Chemistry practicals
Life Sciences practicals
Basic Biotechnology practicals
Applied Chemistry- I
Cell Biology and Cytogenetics
Molecular Biology
Bioprocess Technology
Research Methodology
Practicals of USBT301 and USBT302
Practicals of USBT303 and USBT304
Practicals of USBT305 and USBT306
Applied Chemistry- II
Medical Microbiology
environmental biotechnology
bioinformatics and biostatistics
Molecular Diagnostics
Entrepreneurship Development
Practicals of USBT401 and USBT402
Practicals of USBT403 and USBT404
Practicals of USBT405 and USBT406
Cell Biology
Medical Microbiology and Instrumentation
Genomes and Molecular Biology
Marine Biotechnology
Cell Biology + Medical Microbiology and Instrumentation Practical
Genomes and Molecular Biology+ Marine Biotechnology Practical
Biosafety Applied component
Biosafety practical
Industrial Microbiology
Pharmacology and Neurochemistry
Environmental Microbiology
Biochemistry+ Industrial Microbiology practicals
Pharmacology and Neurochemistry+ Environmental Microbiology practicals
Agribiotechnology Applied component
Agribiotechnology Practicals
- Bachelor of Commerce in Banking & Insurance provides an avenue for shifting from general education to professional education. The three year (six semesters) BBI degree aims at preparing students to exploit opportunities, continuously striving to provide a strong understanding of fundamentals about Banking, Insurance & other financial services by Remedial Teaching for slow learners. We inculcate training, and practical approach, by organizing industrial visits, Guest lectures and use modern technology for teaching.
- Banking is defined as the business of dealing in money while insurance is the protection against possible loss. Actuary sciences, auditing, financial counseling, claims examination and policy processing are some fields that come under this. Apart from this Investment Banking Analyst, Insurance claims adjuster, Credit Analyst, Insurance investigator.
- Our theme based events are always collated in line with current industry trends and dynamics which gives students an opportunity to always stay connected and updated with recent changes and updates in Banking and Insurance .
- We encourage our students to take part in various competitive examinations including IBPS, CET, CAT, IRDA, SET / NET / PET etc.
- Mrs. Minal Gandhi
- Research Interest: IFRS, Green Banking
- Recognition/ Achievements/ Activities :
- Recognized twice for being Innovative Teacher by VESLARC
- Completed Swayam Arpit Online Refresher Course in Commerce
- Completed MOOC Course from John Hopkin’s University (2013-14)
- Completed an online course in Author AID Course in Research Writing (2015-16)
- Mrs Sneha Birje
- Research Interest:
Emerging trends in Banking Sector - Recognition/ Achievements/ Activities :
- Publication
3) Mrs Anusuya Yadav
- Research Interest: Employee Engagement, Talent Management
- Recognition/ Achievements/ Activities :
- Recognised consecutively for 3 years for being an Innovative Teacher by VESLARC.
- Completed Academic writing course from Swayam.
- Alumni joining as faculties
- Theme based events as Innovative teaching method
- Encourages students to participate in various Inter-collegiate presentation, & Debate competitions
- Helps to develop research culture among students through 100 marks project at third year level
- Result more than 95% at third year level in almost all academic years
- Motivates students for undertaking Internship during vacations
- Successfully conducting inter-collegiate festival “Euphonity” for last 10 years
- Students research papers published in state level seminar
- Organizes Educational and Industrial Visits
- Conduct of co-curricular activities by the association BITS Club.
First Year, Second Year & Third Year
Total number of divisions: 02
Total Number of Seats: 120
The course shall be a full time course. The duration of the course shall be six semesters spread over three years.
Eligibility: A candidate eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) Degree Course shall have passed XIIth std. Examination of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent and secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate (40% in case of reserved category) at one attempt. The Course shall be a full – time course. The duration of the course shall be six semesters spread over three years.
Document Required for Admission: Students should bring the following documents in original along with duly attested photocopies for verification at the time of admission:
- Original Mark sheet of H.S.C., two photocopies of Mark sheet and one photo copy of Leaving Certificate (LC) & Photo copies of S.S.C. Marksheet for F. Y. admission.
- Original Mark sheet of Semester I & Il along with one photo copy each for S. Y admission
- Original Mark sheet of Semester I, II, III & IV along with one photo copy each for T.Y admission. In case of lower KT exam students are required to submit the final mark sheet of the said exam & failing which your concerned result will be withheld from the University.
- For new admission at S.Y./ TY NOC with enrolment details to be produced from the previous college (PRN No. is Compulsory).
- One Recent Passport size photograph taken with light coloured dress for all classes.
- One recent Passport size photograph of the Parent/Guardian Aadhar Card).
- Address Proof (photo copy of Ration Card/ Electricity Bill Telephone Bill Passport
- Caste Validity Certificate
- Documentary evidence regarding special category status
- Eligibility Certificate (students coming from other than Maharashtra Board and Maharashtra Technical Board). Eligibility forms will be distributed by the college and the same will be resubmitted to the college along with necessary documents and eligibility fees (Rs. 220/- Rs.320/- and Rs.750-as the case may be).
- Admission will be provisional till University approves the documents
- Physically Challenged candidates should produce the relevant certificate from competent authority.
- In case the original mark sheet of H.S.C. has been submitted for admission to any college, a certificate to that effect, signed by the Principal of that College must be produced.
Students coming from Universities/Board other than Maharashtra State: Students coming from outside, i.e. other than Maharashtra State Board, will be admitted to the college on the basis of provisional eligibility certificate. In case the admission of the student is found to be invalid for any reason, the responsibility will lie with the student.
Admission under Minority Quota (Sindhi): Students seeking admission at FY level under ‘minority category’ are required to produce documentary proof (affidavit) certifying their Sindhi status. It is desirable that they complete the Sindhi Certificate Course.
International Students: Foreign students seeking admission are required to submit the following documents
a) Photocopy of Passport b) Copy of Transcript
The present dynamic business environment requires students, to enhance the skills in complex and critical areas of Accounting, Finance and Taxation. BAF course provides analytical, technical & specialised skills to the students, which enables them to demonstrate their knowledge and ability, to add value to the organisations that they will be a part of.
Students have excellent prospects to choose from varied courses like Chartered Accountancy (ICAI), Cost Accountant (ICMAI), Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), MBA, Chartered Finance Analyst (CFA), Company Secretary (ICSI).
Semester I
Revised subject (from 2018-19) | Credits | Core/Elective/Ability/ Skill Enhancement Course |
Financial Accounting (Elements of Financial Accounting) – I | 03 | Elective |
Cost Accounting (Introduction and Element of Cost) – I | 03 | Elective |
Financial Management (Introduction to Financial Management)-I | 03 | Elective |
Business Communication – I | 03 | AEC |
Foundation Course -I | 02 | SEC |
Commerce (Business Environment) – I | 03 | Core |
Business Economics – I | 03 | Core |
Total Credits | 20 |
Semester II
Revised subject (from 2018-19) | Credits | Core/Elective/Ability/ Skill Enhancement Course |
Financial Accounting (Special Accounting Areas) – II | 03 | Elective |
Auditing (Introduction and Planning) – I | 03 | Elective |
Innovative Financial Services | 03 | Elective |
Business Communication – II | 03 | AEC |
Foundation Couse -II | 02 | SEC |
Business Law (Business Regulatory Framework) – I | 03 | Core |
Business Mathematics | 03 | Core |
Total Credits | 20 |
Semester III
Revised subject (from 2018-19) | Credits | Core/Elective/Ability/ Skill Enhancement Course |
Financial Accounting (Special Accounting Areas) – III | 03 | Elective |
Auditing (Techniques of Auditing and Audit Procedures) – II | 03 | Elective |
Taxation – II (Direct Taxes Paper – I) | 03 | Elective |
Information Technology in Accountancy – I | 03 | AEC |
Foundation Course in Commerce (Financial Market Operation) – III | 02 | SEC |
Business Law (Business Regulatory Framework) – II | 03 | Core |
Business Economics – II | 03 | Core |
Total Credits | 20 |
Semester IV
Revised subject (from 2018-19) | Credits | Core/Elective/Ability/ Skill Enhancement Course |
Financial Accounting (Special Accounting Areas) – IV | 03 | Elective |
Auditing – III | 03 | Elective |
Taxation – III (Direct Taxes Paper – II) | 03 | Elective |
Information Technology in Accountancy – II | 03 | AEC |
Foundation Course in Management (Introduction to Management) – IV | 02 | SEC |
Business Law (Company Law) – III | 03 | Core |
Research Methodology in Accounting and Finance | 03 | Core |
Total Credits | 20 |
Semester V
Revised subject (from 2018-19) | Credits | Core/Elective/Ability/ Skill Enhancement Course |
Financial Accounting – V | 04 | Core |
Financial Accounting – VI | 04 | Core |
Cost Accounting – III | 03 | Elective |
Financial Management – II | 03 | Elective |
Taxation – IV (Indirect Taxes – II) | 03 | Elective |
International Finance * | 03 | Elective |
Management – II (Management Applications) * | 03 | Elective |
Total Credits | 20 |
Note: * Choice of the Elective offered will be based on merit.
Semester VI
Revised subject (from 2018-19) | Credits | Core/Elective/Ability/ Skill Enhancement Course |
Financial Accounting – VII | 04 | Core |
Project Work | 04 | Core |
Cost Accounting – IV | 03 | Elective |
Financial Management – III | 03 | Elective |
Taxation – V (Indirect Taxes – III) | 03 | Elective |
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management * | 03 | Elective |
Economics Paper – III (Indian Economy) * | 03 | Elective |
Total Credits | 20 |
Note: * Choice of the Elective offered will be based on merit.
Total Number of seats: 60
Eligibility: A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Markets) Degree Course shall have passed XIIth Std. Examination of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent and secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate (40% in case of reserved category) at one and the same sitting. Admission Procedure: On the basis of aggregate marks at H.S.C.
Students coming from Universities/Board other than Maharashtra State: – Students coming from outside, i.e. other than Maharashtra State Board, will be admitted to the college on the basis of provisional eligibility certificate which they must obtain from the University of Mumbai. No such student will be admitted to College without provisional certificate. In case the admission of the student is found to be invalid for any reason, the responsibility will lie with the student. Students will account for the gap if any, between H.S.C. and joining F. Y. Class by submitting gap certificate i.e. N.O.C. & T.C. from previous Institute.
Admission under Minority Quota (Sindhi): A Student seeking admission at F.Y. level under Minority Category is required to produce documentary proof (Affidavit) certifying their Sindhi Status. It is desirable that they complete the Sindhi Certificate Course
International Students: Foreign students seeking admission are required to submit the following documents
- Photocopy of Passport
- Copy of Transcript
Admission Procedure: On the basis of aggregate of:Aggregate marks at H.S.C. In case the original mark sheet of H.S.C. has been submitted for admission to any college, a certificate to that effect, signed by the Principal of the College must be produced.
Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Markets): The course shall be a full-time course. The duration of the course shall be six semesters spread over three years. Every candidate admitted to the Degree Course in the Constituent / Affiliated colleges recognized institution, conducting the course, shall have to register himself / herself with the University. Students coming from University / Board other than Maharashtra must get eligibility for B.Com. (Financial Markets)
BFM Syllabus
Semester | Subjects |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Enjoy Learning About Businesses? Get Ready to Manage Them.
Future Prospects
- Financial Advisor
- Trader, Accountant
- Investment banker
- Social Media Manager
- Human Resource Manager
- Information & Systems Manager
- And many more across sectors
GlobalGyan Partnership
GlobalGyan Academy of Management Education has helped over 20,000 managers from top corporates build their managerial & leadership capabilities. GlobalGyan faculty include industry leaders, coaches, and experts.
The Business Edge
BBA equips students with knowledge and training in management and administration of business
Imbibing strong conceptual skills along with practical experience in the form of internships with NGO & Corporate ensures holistic and industry ready learning
The 21C Skills Edge
Our degree is powered by the 21C Skills Course that:
- Prepares students for Future with 21st century skills
- Provides Corporate connect
- Improves Job Readiness
- Sparks an Entrepreneurial Mindset
Checkout your Career Growth Get Ready for E-commerce
Future Prospects
- The career path and opportunities of graduating from a B. Com (E-Commerce) are immense, with job profiles available in diversified sectors booming with every passing year
- Students will also be able to start their own business
GlobalGyan Partnership
GlobalGyan Academy of Management Education has helped over 20,000 managers from top corporates build their managerial &b leadership capabilities. GlobalGyan faculty include industry leaders, coaches, and experts.
The E-commerce Edge
- This Course will enable students to acquire entrepreneurial, administrative, legal and managerial skills.
- It will also help them to develop soft skills and decision -making acumen for critical situations
The 21C Skills Edge
Our degree is powered by the 21C Skills Course that:
- Prepares students for Future with 21st century skills
- Provides Corporate connect
- Improves Job Readiness
- Sparks an Entrepreneurial Mindset
World of Finance is booming Boost your Career Graph
Future Prospects
- Industrial Houses
- Public Accounting Firms,
- Corporate Policy Planning
- Foreign Exchange Market
- Banking Sector
- Insurance Sector
- Investment Management and many
GlobalGyan Partnership
GlobalGyan Academy of Management Education has helped over 20,000 managers from top corporates build their managerial & leadership capabilities. GlobalGyan faculty include industry leaders, coaches, and experts.
The Finance Edge
- Combination of technical and theoretical knowledge, including the basic financial skills needed to enter finance careers
- Learn rules and regulations governing the financial sector and innovations in the sector
The 21C Skills Edge
Our degree is powered by the 21C Skills Course that:
- Prepares students for Future with 21st century skills
- Provides Corporate connect
- Improves Job Readiness
- Sparks an Entrepreneurial Mindset
World of Finance is booming Boost your Career Graph
Future Prospects
- Plenty of options available in almost all the industries including research and development department, with very good pay packages.
- Functional roles like Business Analyst, Data Analysts etc. open for such candidates
The Data Analytics Edge
- Practical knowledge of Data Science & Data Analytics along-with core subjects
- Master mathematical, statistical and computational skills.
- Exposure in research and managerial skills.
GlobalGyan Partnership
GlobalGyan Academy of Management Education has helped over 20,000 managers from top corporates build their managerial & leadership capabilities. GlobalGyan faculty include industry leaders, coaches, and experts.
The 21C Skills Edge
Our degree is powered by the 21C Skills Course that:
- Prepares students for Future with 21st century skills
- Provides Corporate connect
- Improves Job Readiness
- Sparks an Entrepreneurial Mindset
Total Number of Seats – 10
Out of the 10 seats, 7 admissions are made by the University Centralized admission process.
Admission to the remaining 3 seats is made by the college as per merit and given to students who have graduated from this college.
Semester | Paper | Paper Title | Marks | Credit Point | |
Thr | Prac | ||||
I & II | I | Cell Biology and Virology | 150 | 4 | 2 |
II | Microbial Genetics | 150 | 4 | 2 | |
III | Microbial Biochemistry | 150 | 4 | 2 | |
IV | Medical Microbiology and Immunology | 150 | 4 | 2 | |
III | I | Tools & Techniques : Research Methodology | 150 | 4 | 2 |
II | Food Microbiology | 150 | 4 | 2 | |
III | Advances in Biotechnology | 150 | 4 | 2 | |
IV | Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 150 | 4 | 2 | |
IV | I | Tools & Techniques : Bimolecular Analysis | 150 | 4 | 2 |
II | Pharmaceutical Microbiology | 150 | 4 | 2 | |
III | Advances in Biotechnology | 150 | 4 | 2 | |
IV | Applied and Environmental Monitoring and Management | 150 | 4 | 2 |
M.Sc. (Microbiology) /M.Sc. Chemistry (Organic) /M.Sc. Analytical
Application for the refund of deposits must be made between 1st Sep. to 30th Sep or 1st Feb. to 28 Feb. of the year when applicant ceases to be a student of the college, failing which the deposit will be forfeited..
List of Guides:
Sr. No. | Name |
1. | Prin. Dr. (Mrs.) J.K.Phadnis |
2. | Prof. (Ms.) Hemamalini Varadarajan |
3. | Dr. Nagesh Mallik |
M.Sc. (Microbiology) /M.Sc. Chemistry (Organic) /M.Sc. Analytical
Application for the refund of deposits must be made between 1st Sep. to 30th Sep or 1st Feb. to 28 Feb. of the year when applicant ceases to be a student of the college, failing which the deposit will be forfeited.
Completed M.Sc. (Microbiology by Research) students:
Sr. | Name of Students | Title of Research Project | Year of Joining | Name of the research guide | Year of Completion |
1. | Ms. Sneha Shikha | Biodiversity studies of effluent from Electroplating industry and studies on their biotechnological potential. | September-2008 | Ms.Hemamalini Varadarajan. | 1st November, 2013 |
3 | Ms. Anupama Maity | Isolation of enzymes from soil isolates & studying their Commercial applications | August –2009 | Dr. Nagesh Malik | 13th March, 2014 |
On Going Research by our M.Sc. (Microbiology by Research) students:
Sr. | Name of Students | Title of Research Project | Year of Joining | Name of the research guide |
1. | Ms. Sadaf Shaikh | Study of the Bioremediation of hydrocarbons from contaminated soil & Sea water | August -2007 | Dr.Nagesh Malik |
2. | Mr. Vaibhav Shinde | Study of Risk Factors involved in Drug Resistance of Pathogens isolated from Diabetic Foot Ulcers | August -2009 |
Total no. of seats for MSc Analytical Chemistry – 20
Total no. of seats for MSc Organic Chemistry – 10 + 2 =12
Semester | Paper | Paper title | Marks | Credit |
I | I | Physical and Inorganic Chemistry-I | 100 | 4 |
II | Organic and Analytical Chemistry-I | 100 | 4 | |
III | Practical based on Physical, Inorganic & Analytical Chemistry I | 100 | 4 | |
IV | Practical based on Organic Chemistry I | 50 | 2 | |
Minor | Research Methodology | 100 | 4 | |
Major Elective | Advanced concepts in chemistry I/ Advanced concepts in Industrial Chemistry I (Theory + Practical) | 100 | 2 + 2 | |
Total | 22 | |||
II | I | Physical and Inorganic Chemistry-II | 100 | 4 |
II | Organic and Analytical Chemistry-II | 100 | 4 | |
III | Practical based on Physical, Inorganic & Analytical Chemistry II | 100 | 4 | |
IV | Practical based on Organic Chemistry II | 50 | 2 | |
Major Elective | Advanced concepts in chemistry II/ Advanced concepts in Industrial Chemistry II (Theory + Practical) | 100 | 2 + 2 | |
OJT/Lab | – | 100 | 4 | |
Total | 22 |
Semester | Paper | Paper title | Marks | Credit |
III | I | Advanced Instrumental Techniques I | 100 | 4 |
II | Bioanalytical Chemistry and Food Analysis | 100 | 4 | |
III | Practical based on Paper I | 100 | 4 | |
IV | Practical based on Paper II | 50 | 2 | |
Major Elective | Advanced concepts in Analytical chemistry I / Pharmaceutical and Organic Analysis | 100 | 4 | |
Research Project | 100 | 4 | ||
Total | 22 | |||
IV | I | Advanced Instrumental Techniques II | 100 | 4 |
II | Quality in Analytical Chemistry | 100 | 4 | |
III | Practical based on Paper I & Paper II | 100 | 4 | |
Major Elective | Advanced concepts in Analytical chemistry II / Intellectual property rights & cheminformatics | 100 | 4 | |
Research Project | 150 | 6 | ||
Total | 22 |
Semester | Paper | Paper title | Marks | Credit |
III | I | Theoretical Organic Chemistry I | 100 | 4 |
II | Synthetic Organic Chemistry I | 100 | 4 | |
III | Practical based on Paper I | 100 | 4 | |
IV | Practical based on Paper II | 50 | 2 | |
Major Elective | Spectroscopy, Medicinal and Green Chemistry / Bioorganic Chemistry | 100 | 4 | |
Research Project | 100 | 4 | ||
Total | 22 | |||
IV | I | Theoretical Organic Chemistry II | 100 | 4 |
II | Synthetic Organic Chemistry II | 100 | 4 | |
III | Practical based on Paper I & II | 100 | 4 | |
Major Elective | Natural products and heterocyclic chemistry / Intellectual property rights & cheminformatics | 100 | 4 | |
Research Project | 150 | 6 | ||
Total | 22 |
Application for the refund of deposits must be made between 1st Sep. to 30th Sep or 1st Feb. to 28 Feb. of the year when applicant ceases to be a student of the college, failing which the deposit will be forfeited
Total Number of Seats – 60
In-charge –Dr. Varsha Ganatra
Admission to the M.Com course will be on the basis of merit at the graduation examination.
Documents Required for Admission:-
Students should bring the following documents in original along with duly attested photocopies for verification at the time of admission:-
- Original Mark sheet of Graduation Examination (Commerce Stream), two photo copies of Mark sheet and one photo copy of Transfer Certificate (TC) / Migration Certificate (MC) for Part I admission.
- For new admission at M.Com. (Part II). – NOC with enrolment details to be produced from the previous college.
- One recent Passport size photography taken with light coloured dress for all classes.
- One recent Passport size photograph of Parent / Guardian.
- Address Proof (photo copy of Ration Card/ Electricity Bill/ Telephone Bill/Pass port/ Driving License) any one.
- Caste Certificates (if applicable)
- Caste Validity Certificate
- Documentary evidence regarding special category status
- Eligibility Certificate (issued by University) for students coming from other than Maharashtra Board and Maharashtra Technical Board). Eligibility forms will be distributed by college and same will be resubmitted to the college along with necessary documents and eligibility fees (Rs. 220/-, Rs.320/- and Rs.750/- as the case may be). Admission will be provisional till University approves the documents.
- Physically Challenged candidates should produce the relevant certificate from competent authority.
NOTE:In case the original mark sheet of Graduation Examination (Commerce Stream) has been submitted for admission to any college, a certificate to that effect, signed by the Principal of that College must be produced.
Students coming from Universities/Board other than Maharashtra State:- Students coming from outside, i.e. other than Maharashtra State Board, will be admitted to the college on the basis of provisional eligibility certificate which they must obtain from the University of Mumbai. No such student will be admitted to College without provisional certificate. In case the admission of the student is found to be invalid for any reason, the responsibility will lie with the student. Students will account for the gap if any, between H.S.C. and joining F. Y. Class by submitting gap certificate i.e. N.O.C. & T.C. from previous Institute.
Admission under Minority Quota (Sindhi):
A Student seeking admission at F.Y. level under Minority Category is required to produce documentary proof (Affidavit) certifying their Sindhi Status. It is desirable that they complete the Sindhi Certificate Course.
International Students: Foreign students seeking admission are required to submit the following documents
- Photocopy of Passport
- Copy of Transcript
Eligibility: Ordinance 2310 :
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Master of Commerce Course, shall have passed the examination for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce of this University (Three Years Integrate Course) of the degree of B.Com.(Old Course) of this University or Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance) OR B.Com.(Banking and Insurance) OR B.M.S. degree examination OR and examination of any other University recognized as equivalent thereto.
M.COM Accountancy
Sem I (6 credit each)Sem II (6 credit each)
1. Strategic Management1. Research Methodology
2. Economics for Business Decisions2. Macroeconomics
3.Cost and Management Accounting3. Corporate Finance
4. Business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility4. E-commerce
Sem III (6 credits each)Sem IV (6 credit each)
1. Advanced Financial Accounting1. Corporate Financial Accounting
2. Direct Tax2. Indirect Tax- Introduction of Goods and Service Tax
3. Advanced Auditing3. Financial Management
4. Project Work – I 4. Project Work – II
Note: Project work is considered as a special course involving application of knowledge in solving/ analyzing/ exploring a real life situation/ difficult problem. Project work would be of 06 credits. A project work may be undertaken in any area of Elective Courses
Semester System (1st year)
Syllabus for Semester I and II
Semester 1
Syllabus for Semester III and IV to be updated soon…
Admissions :
Admission to the Ph.D. programme will be as per the Guidelines laid down by University of Mumbai from time to time.
List of Guides:
Sr. No. | Name | Subject | Course | University |
1. | Dr. Nagesh Malik | Microbiology | M.Sc., Ph.D. Associate Professor | Mumbai University |
List of Guides:
Sr. No. | Name |
1. | Prin. Dr. (Mrs.) J.K.Phadnis |
2. | Prof. (Ms.) Hemamalini Varadarajan |
3. | Dr. Nagesh Mallik |
M.Sc. (Microbiology) /M.Sc. Chemistry (Organic) /M.Sc. Analytical
Application for the refund of deposits must be made between 1st Sep. to 30th Sep or 1st Feb. to 28 Feb. of the year when applicant ceases to be a student of the college, failing which the deposit will be forfeited.
Completed M.Sc. (Microbiology by Research) students:
Sr. | Name of Students | Title of Research Project | Year of Joining | Name of the research guide | Year of Completion |
1. | Ms. Sneha Shikha | Biodiversity studies of effluent from Electroplating industry and studies on their biotechnological potential. | September-2008 | Ms.Hemamalini Varadarajan. | 1st November, 2013 |
3 | Ms. Anupama Maity | Isolation of enzymes from soil isolates & studying their Commercial applications | August –2009 | Dr. Nagesh Malik | 13th March, 2014 |
On Going Research by our M.Sc. (Microbiology by Research) students:
Sr. | Name of Students | Title of Research Project | Year of Joining | Name of the research guide |
1. | Ms. Sadaf Shaikh | Study of the Bioremediation of hydrocarbons from contaminated soil & Sea water | August -2007 | Dr.Nagesh Malik |
2. | Mr. Vaibhav Shinde | Study of Risk Factors involved in Drug Resistance of Pathogens isolated from Diabetic Foot Ulcers | August -2009 |
Ph.D. INORGANIC & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Admissions: Admission to the Ph.D. programme will be as per the Guidelines laid down by University of Mumbai from time to time
List of Guides:
Sr. No. | Name | Subject | Course | University |
1 | Dr. Vasant D. Barhate | Chemistry | M. Sc. (by Research), M.Phil. and Ph.D. (Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry) | Mumbai University |
(Retired on 30th Sep 2019) | ||||
2 | Dr. Ritika M. Makhijani | Chemistry | M.Sc. (by papers) and Ph.D (Chemistry) | Mumbai University |
3 | Dr. Pooja V. Jagasia | Chemistry | M.Sc. (by Research and papers) and Ph.D (Chemistry) | Mumbai University |
4 | Dr. Dinesh N. Navale | Chemistry | M. Sc. (by Research and Papers) and Ph.D. (Organic Chemistry) | Mumbai University |
Details of students who have completed Ph.D.
Sr. No. | Name of Students | Title of Research Project | Year of Joining | Name of the research guide | Completed Date |
1. | Mr. Y.S. Lakshmi Narasimham | Chromatographic and Electrochemical Study of some Antihypertensive and Antidiabetic Drugs | 2009 | Dr. Vasant D. Barhate | 03/09/2012 |
2. | Mr. Arun Dattatray Kamble | Electrochemical and Spectrophotometric Study of some Antimalarial and Antifungal Drugs | 2009 | Dr. Vasant D. Barhate | 06/11/2012 |
3. | Anandkumar S. Gupta | Synthesis, Characterisation and Study of Microbiological Activity o Some Transition Metal ions Complexes with [N-(o-Substituted benzylidene) pyridine – 2 – amine] and their application in the Development of Extractive Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of respective Transition Metal iond | 2010 | Dr. Vasant D. Barhate | 01/09/2013 |
4. | Ritika Makhijani | Studies of some transition & noble metal ions complexes with Schiff’s base derived from 2-substituted benzaldehyde & their applications as an Analytical reagent. | 2010 | Dr. Vasant D. Barhate | 2014 |
5. | Datta Baban Mandhare | Development of Extractive spectrophotometric method for the determination of some transition metal with Schiff base. | 2013 | Dr. Vasant D. Barhate | 2015 |
6. | Borgave Seema Sharad | Studies of Synthesis characterization and microbiological activity of Schiff’s base complesus of transition metals and their analytical application | 2013 | Dr. Vasant D. Barhate | 2017 |
7. | Parinita Umesh Madan | Application of throsemicarbozone derivative as an Analytical Reagent for the determination of Transition and noble Metal Ions at Trace level. | 2013 | Dr. Vasant D. Barhate | 2017 |
8. | Manjusha Dnyandev Karad | Spectrophotmetric determination of Drugs in Pharmaceutical formulation | 2013 | Dr. Vasant D. Barhate | 2017 |
Ongoing Ph.D. students:
Sr. No. | Name of Students | Title of Research Project | Year of Joining | Name of the research guide |
1. | Mr. Nitin Namdeo Kadam | “Studies of synthesis and characterization of some transition and noble metal ions complexes with Schiff base derived from substituted aldehyde and their application as an analytical reagent” | 2019 | Prof. Ritika Makhijani |
2. | Ms. Heena A. Magodia | “ Study of the effect of Sulphur on available micronutrients status of soils of different regions of Maharashtra(India)” | 2019 | Prof. Pooja Jagasia |
3. | Ms. Vaishali P. Parastekar | “Development of Spectrophotometric Methods for Determination of Antidiabetic and Antipsychotic Drugs in Pharmaceutical Formulation” | 2019 | Prof. Ritika Makhijani |
4. | Ms. Anjali S. Siddu | Studies of Synthesis ,Characterizations & Analytical Application of some Transition Metal Ions Complexes with Schiff Base Derived from substituted Benzaldehyde” | 2022 | Prof. Ritika Makhijani |
5. | Ms. Mahalaxmi Murugan | “Development and Validation of Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Antidiabetic and Antimicrobial drugs in Pharmaceutical Formulation” | 2022 | Prof. Ritika Makhijani |
6. | Ms. Komal Pareek | “Analytical Investigation of Selenium Food Items and Anti-oxidants present in Medicinal Plants of Maharashtra” | 2022 | Prof. Pooja Jagasia |
RebelCorp Academy has designed a course to prepare young students with a non- technical background, for the digital world of 2022.
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At the end of the course the student will be able to build and manage websites on the RebelCorp platform, optimise Data analytics, use social media & other marketing tools efficiently as well as get a refresher on Microsoft office applications.